Titanic at the Grand Hotel 2017

June 2, 2017

To:  Mrs. Marian Thayer
From:  Mr. John Thayer

My dearest Marian and Jack,
I've arrived at the Grand Hotel. All is well. I have every confidence that you will find the accommodations quite lovely. The staff is very accommodating and I have been already impressed by the level of service. I am so pleased that we chose to spend our time here prior to our embarking upon the Titanic.

Please tell the ferry captain in Mackinaw City that I will meet you at the island docks at 10am sharp. 

Awaiting your beautiful smiling face, my dear.

~John Thayer

Oh what a celebration as we all gathered on the "deck"! The Grand Hotel hosted quite the reception as we get ready to embark on our journey.

Violet was busy finding lice amongst the passengers...Captain??

Our first evening's dinner in the Main Dining Room.

 Mushroom Ravioli

Delicious Lamb chops

Then came the formal dinner on the second night of our adventure! A lovely presentation of a sample of the final menu for the First Class Passengers.

Could it be our beloved Archibald Butts?

The Captain and I were thrilled to run into our dearest friend, Molly Brown.

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